Stillpoints Ultra 5 versus Vibraplane

Anyone have direct experience with Stillpoints Ultra 5 or Ultra SS versus newest version Vibraplane 2212-02 which is 20“ X 24“ platform and active.

The two Vibraplane I currently use are at system front end (source), Studer and turntable.

Seems amps would be less improvement than source but the question comes to mind because in my case the amps are just inches away from large speakers. The floor is very solid but there has to be incredible energy going into the floor and acoustical energy into the surrounding area.
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There is a guy in WBF that used an active Vibraplane under his TT and amps. Not sure if he posts here
Albert, I looked and he has his system posted here as well as WBF. his user name on Audiogon is Peterayer. ON WBF he posts as PeterA. The SME 30/12 turntable and Pass XA 160.5 are on on Vibraplanes.

You should also look at the thread on WBF titled "Herzan/Table Stable "Active" Isolation table"

I just put a Vibraplane under my SME 10 and found these while researching what people thought about vibration isolation and Vibraplanes, Minus K, etc.

I know Peter A, great guy that I’ve communicated with multiple times. For some reason I knew about Vibraplane under his turntable but not the amp.

If it’s valuable under a Pass Labs it should be at least as effective under the ARC. Pass Labs is solid state and Vibraplane told me effect was greater under tube gear.

amps can get a bit soft sounding and lose a bit of life with some passive decoupling. and it's hard to predict. you need to try it and listen. the reason is that most good amps are voiced to be on floors near speakers so they have their own internal damping. adding passive decoupling can then potentially be in conflict with the designed in damping.

my dart amps have suspended circuit boards inside for decoupling. you have to remove the shipping bolts to allow the boards to hang free once installed. so when I tried decoupling under them it got muddy sounding. it was better without.

if your floor is post and beam I'd first brace underneath it to make sure the floor is completely solid underneath the amp. that will yield the biggest gain in performance. if the floor is moving and you add the mass of a Vibraplane it will just change the frequency of the resonance.

maybe a good place to start is ask your amp manufacturer what approach they recommend.