Stillpoints Ultra SS under your speakers?


I'd like to hear anyone's experiences with replacing their speaker spikes with the Stillpoint Ultra SS isolation/vibration control devices. I did a search and found a few related threads, but I would like to hear more. I want to try them under my Merlin VSM-M's, and yes I know Bobby will strongly disapprove...
BTW, if it matters, my speakers are on a carpeted suspended wood floor.
The pictures look great Bo1. I've seen Marten Bird 2's with Ultra 5's. I wonder if it is possible to fit Stillpoints to the Magico S3's outriggers? You can certainly fit the Stillpoints to the S5's in lieu of the factory feet.
With S3 Bo1, the speakers come equipped with factory spikes which seem directly connected to the top adjusting screw. I'm not sure they can be removed & fitted with the adaptors. Definitely S5 can, but not sure about S3.
Friday I will receive the new Ultra 6 from Stillpoints. I will write a review this weekend!
Bo1972, Why I might ask did Stillpoints not use the Ultra 6s under their speakers at CES? They told me they were not intended for speakers.