My Roon/Qobuz based digital front end has separate processors for server, end point and DAC and it's stable. Right or wrong I credit the stability to processing headroom and AuraLic sfw/hdw integration. I also suspect AuraLic's integration is the most critical link when it comes to stability, my Aries has not been power cycled since its last Lightning DS upgrade and it's still playing well with others. I do have to keep an eye on Roon upgrades because they tend to introduce undocumented features (bugs) but beyond this I have good stability. I also balance DSP across the Nucleus and Aries to avoid saturating the processing capacity of either device.
Silent Angle N16 Switch
Roon Server -> Roon Nucleus+
Roon End Point -> AuraLic Aries G2.1
DAC -> Holoaudio May KTE
Paul Hynes SR4T and SR7T LPS
Network Acoustics Eth cables, Filters and USB III cable
PC's FP-TCS21/IeGo 8095 and Oyaide Tsunami/Furutech FI48 NCFR
Silent Angle N16 Switch
Roon Server -> Roon Nucleus+
Roon End Point -> AuraLic Aries G2.1
DAC -> Holoaudio May KTE
Paul Hynes SR4T and SR7T LPS
Network Acoustics Eth cables, Filters and USB III cable
PC's FP-TCS21/IeGo 8095 and Oyaide Tsunami/Furutech FI48 NCFR