Streamer vs. CD Transport

I have my Arcam R Play streamer and my Cyrus CD t transport both connected to a Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC.  The streamer only has an output for a coax connector whereas the transport has provision for both coax and optical cable. Therefore, I have the coax hooking up the streamer and the optical connected to the transport.  I like the sound of both, but the SQ from the Arcam seems to be slightly superior to the SQ of the Cyrus.
My question is, is this due to the inherent superiority of coax technology over optical technology?
Or, is streaming better sounding than CDs?
LOL. Now I have a real problem. I have created a RAM Disk in my RAM and put the same 44.1 files I have on my SSD and HDD on it. Its noticeably better than my SSD. Not as much as from HDD to SSD, but better.

 Oh well I'll have to write some code to take care of this problem. ;)
HDD and SSD are hard drives the SSD is solid state HDD is the older type . NVME and SATA are the way they interface non volitale memory and serial data. You can look them up if you need more info.  SSD connected  by NVME is faster

just to update:

After trying the Black Cat in my system for a few days, I noticed a lack of highs and transparency.  When I went back to my original cable it sounded better.
Thanks for your suggestion though.  It certainly was worth the try.
The Black Cat may not be fully run-in. Some cable require about 200 hours.
You should run your source through the cable day and night. Then have a listen.

Lack of highs and transparency would mean it's not a high quality cable, or it's new and needs more hours of run-in.