Streamer vs. CD Transport

I have my Arcam R Play streamer and my Cyrus CD t transport both connected to a Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC.  The streamer only has an output for a coax connector whereas the transport has provision for both coax and optical cable. Therefore, I have the coax hooking up the streamer and the optical connected to the transport.  I like the sound of both, but the SQ from the Arcam seems to be slightly superior to the SQ of the Cyrus.
My question is, is this due to the inherent superiority of coax technology over optical technology?
Or, is streaming better sounding than CDs?
I have about 5000 CDs.  So that’s not a problem.
CDs do sound better  than streaming on my system.
But streaming is so damned convenient. 
That pretty much what I thought. Thanks. Ironic since CDs replaced LPs for convenience. 

Thanks by the feedback related to the Black Cat Cable. This help us to better adjust our systems in the future.
One thing that it is not clear to me is that the in the beginning of your post you are comparing the coax with optical. The cable that you are considering that it is better is the optical or the coaxial?  
Although it is not the proper subforum, please, could you share the cables involved?