Sturdy Turntable Stand

I am looking for a very sturdy turntable rack or stand, preferably with a couple shelves below the turntable top shelf. I've seen a couple expensive ones. Any solid ideas that don't cost $3K or more?
I’m not referring to earthquakes, Mr. Smarty Pants. I’m referring to the everyday motion of the Earth’s crust. The specific term is microseism. See, you learn something everyday. Well, maybe you don’t, how the hell would I know? If Earthquakes was all they had to worry about LIGO wouldn’t have needed all the isolation stuff since their experiment was way out in the boonies. Besides Earthquakes and trains you can add high rise buildings, construction sites, beaches, roadways, bus lines, and areas like CA and NV with very high microseism activity.
Uberwaltz if you can jump up and down in front of the turntable and put the edge of a stethoscope against the platform with music at a moderate volume and not hear an increase in the volume through the stethoscope you are good to go.

A better method IMO is to mute the system, put your tonearm down on a "STILL" record....unmute and slowly raise the volume to normal listening level.......and then do the Audiophile dance.

Extra points of hobby freedom are awarded, if you do this and let your wife catch you in the act. She (he) will likely be thrown off ....ah .. intimidated a little. ........after this, and will leave you alone.

The Audiophile Turntable Dance Test....ATDT..... as far as spousal reaction goes, is superseded only by the "Finding the Best Speaker Spot...... for Bass" .....test.

A sturdy stand on a concrete floor is always the best.

Concrete pads are not bullet proof and contain air pockets. It is important to test for location before placing your setup permanently there. You don’t want to be on top of the air pocket.

“Concrete pads are not bullet proof and contain air pockets.”

Whoa! I did not know that. 🤔
I've always found three legged stands best for audio, they seem more stable and much easier to level. 

I've liked the rather inexpensive lovan stands found them to be durable solidly built and very stable, I like the individual shelves and how they interlock with spikes. I know not the final word in stylish but they work well and don't break the bank. 

If you can best option for a turntable is a wall mount, in most homes.