The belt v direct drive battle has swung to and fro over many decades but is the tide finally about to turn for good in the favour of the latter?
Should anyone in 2019 really leave the vital matter of turntable speed control precision depending upon a rubber belt?
A rubber belt who’s main purpose seems to be an attempt to dampen and isolate motor vibrations at the cost of significantly measurable imprecision.
The tide has turned.
Read Moncrieff's article part 1 article on the Rockport Sirius III
It thoroughly lays out the issues with belt drive and other drive systems with a view from several years back. Those issues still hold today.
Then to get a perspective on where modern direct drive is today, read Roy Gregory's review of the Monaco 2.0 turntable. or a different take here: The stable speed accuracy of this table is stunning.
While stylus drag cannot be denied (physics), there are ways to deal with it.
apologies to H for going off topic...