Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?

Most audiophiles can't seem to believe that a tiny stylus tracking the record groove on a heavy platter could possibly 'slow-down' the rotating speed of a turntable.
I must admit that proving this 'visually' or scientifically has been somewhat difficult until Sutherland brought out the Timeline.
The Timeline sits over the spindle of the rotating disc and flashes a laser signal at precisely the correct timing for either 33.33rpm or 45rpm.
By projecting these 'flashes' onto a nearby wall (with a marker attached) can visualise in real-time, whether the platter is 'speed-perfect' (hitting the mark at every revolution), losing speed (moving to the left of the mark) or gaining speed (moving to the right of the mark).

Watch here how the laser hits the mark each revolution until the stylus hits the groove and it instantly starts losing speed (moving to the left).
You can track its movement once it leaves the wall by seeing it on the Copperhead Tonearm.
Watch how it then speeds up when the tonearms are removed one by one....and then again, loses speed as the arms are dropped.

Watch here how the laser is 'spot-on' each revolution with a single stylus in the groove and then loses speed as each additional stylus is added.
Then observe how....with NO styli in the groove.....the speed increases with each revolution (laser moves to the right) until it 'hits' the mark and then continues moving to the right until it has passed the mark.

Here is the 35 year-old Direct Drive Victor TT-81 turntable (with Bi-Directional Servo Control) undergoing the same examination:-
Not off Topic JT...😃
I read that Peter Moncrieff article 10 years fact it has a permanent place on my Desktop.
I even wrote to Peter (RIP) to ask him where I could find Part II of the article....but he never got around to finishing it 😥
As you say....
It thoroughly lays out the issues with belt drive and other drive systems 
So thoroughly (and understandable) in fact....that it should be required reading for every 'wannabe' turntable designer and every 'practicing' turntable designer who I'm sure, have little in-depth knowledge of the science and physics espoused in that article 🤯
I have a Luxman PD-277 direct-drive turntable and have seen the strobe slow down very slightly when the stylus is dropped.  The effect is more noticeable at the outer edge of the record.
@tablejockey - The Denon DD table(DP75), I purchased in 1980(still have it, in a closet), has a Quartz referenced/AC servo motor speed control system, that reads 1000 precisely recorded pulses, from what amounts to magnetic tape, imprinted on it’s platter’s circumference, via a tape head(like in a cassette deck or RTR). That particular tech’s been out there, for decades. I’d be using the new version of the Roadrunner/Falcon system, with my VPI, if it didn’t require a redesign of my homemade SAMA(remachining, to fit their motor). I waited too long, when the original Phoenix pieces(excellent concept) were available(then: poof, gone). That system would have worked, with my VPI motor. Not that I’ve had any speed issues anyway. Easy to adjust, via my SDS. Long as I keep the belt talced; I measure/hear no drift or pitch change, whether with my LASER tach or strobe .
Variability adds to the beauty of the vinyl sound . Why try and make it sound digital. Every single live performance does this, except techno. Does this drag decrease with softer passages ? Increase with dynamic peaks ? Back and forth ? I dont think the magic of vinyl should be sterilized to this extent . Same as reference equipment is looking at art under  fluorescent lights.