Stylus pressure setting

What stylus pressure should I use for an Ortofon 30H mounted on a SME Series III arm?  Is 1 gram sufficient?  The turntable is a Thorens TD 124 if that's relevant.

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Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

If it is sitting atop a rack then try a set of Nobsound springs. Only $30 and you won't believe the improvement! 

Nobsound come with 7 springs per corner. Usually a turntable will only need 2 to 4. This leaves you with a lot of spare springs. Drill 1/4" holes in some wood or MDF and you can make more. This way you can do 2 components for $30, an unbeatable bargain!

It's called VTF. 1g is recommended per web search. Turntable doesn't matter, arm doesn't either.