Stylus stuck in groove

Has anybody come up with a technique for dealing with the annoyance of a stylus stuck in a groove, even on an immaculately clean record?  I used to in my “yute” examine the record under a light and pick the offending speck out with a toothpick.  My eyes aren’t that good anymore.  I try washing or even soaking the offending record using the VIP cleaning machine mostly to no avail.  How does it even happen?
One day the disc is perfectly clean and next the sticking occurs.
 It’s a mystery.

Showing 1 response by johnto

I don't see what's so unusual I have had records where the stylus gets stuck and keeps repeating the same line.
 On examination it's usually a small brown or black speck sometimes removable with a cleaner or finger nail, other times it seems permanently lodged. At times I think it maybe actually in the vinyl itself.