I think that the goal most listeners have when adding a subwoofer is to keep the same tonal character of the main speakers, but add the lowest notes AND increase the overall dynamic range.
To keep the original speakers but make them sound as if they can play at any volume without limit.
Subwoofers, properly integrated to the room and system do this. The problem is "proper integration" is a two-semester course. One of the most resistant types of audophiles to subs is the ESL owner. They think of their sound as crystal clear, detailed, articulate and FAST! How can a 15" driver possibly keep up?
The answer is always in the frequency response of the mains and the sub, and by this I include time domain phenomenon which affecets the frequency domain.
A well integrated subwoofer is a rarity. I estimate 1 in 8 audiophiles with subs actually can take full advantage of 1 sub, so then they go looking for more subs. :D :D :D