I have Paradigm Studio 100 and I want to use a subwoofer with them..I use my system only for would you suggest using a subwoofer for only music with my Paradigms??I need help....
I'm pretty much set on either the MJ, REL or M&K. All tight and musical. If you're concerned about seamless blending, consider this info I'm using:

REL cutoffs can be set down to 20-25 Hz
MJ Pro 50 can be set down to 40 Hz
M&K down to 50 Hz

Depending on your mains bottom end, the REL may offer a more seamless blend since you can set the cutoff below your mains low end dropoff. If you can't set it at or below, the chances are greater for 'boom' and localization.

I'm trying to limit myself to the $500-600 USD range, which puts the REL slightly out of reach for me.

Yes I know the cutoff points and I wonder why they don't keep that point as low as possible..I just don't understand..If I use a subwoofer I intend to cut it off at 35 hz..that ios also a bit Paradigms have the 39 hz frequency range and then it says that low frequency extension is 25 I think it can go as low as 25hz but I am not sure how low it goes in my if I have a subwoofer I will have to experiment with it..I wish the Pro 50 had a lower cutoff point.why don't they have the point as low as possible??
REL is also too expensive for me..
I would think that the setting of the cutoff will also depend on other things like room acoustics, amp, etc.

I'm also not sure how they specify that cutoff, but I imagine it is a -3dB point.

Generally speaking, I would estimate that you would want the cutoff on the sub set somewhere near where your speakers roll off to about -6 dB or so. Any higher and I would imagine you are likely to get too much energy in the room at that frequency.

I would imagine your speakers are -3dB at 39 Hz and -6dB somewhere below that (perhaps 35 Hz). The MJ cutoff at 40Hz is probably borderline for you. However, the other factors involved may or may not make it acceptably 'disappear' in your system.

For the pricepoint, I think the MJ is most likely a steal and would be worth a shot for you to try, especially since it's about half the cost of the REL. I would suggest you find a shop that might let you demo the MJ.

I'm not sure about other subs, but at this price point, I doubt there are others that have the same musical performance as the MJ and REL. The only other that comes to mind is the Monitor Audio ASW100? Also with a cutoff at 40Hz and also cheaper than the REL. Or perhaps you can find a used Q150E or an older model like the Q100? Check the cutoff specs first though.

what are your main speakers Chris??
I went to a hi-fi shop today..they sell MJ..I told him that I have Paradigm 100 and he said for Paradigm the mj50 would not be enough..he told me that the MJ Pro 50 would not keep up the pace with Paradigm..he suggested something I think I would go for Servo-15 at the end but I am still not the way in UK the Servo-15 is just for 750 $ it is cheap...
My mains are Snell E.5s.

If the dealer will let you home demo the MJ, I would try it. All the reviews I read said the unit has very impressive output for its size/amp rating.
