subwoofer suggestions

Looking for sub with balance between tuneful bass for music and deep bass for movies to be 0.1 part of Monitor Audio Apex 5.1 speaker system. Front speakers go down into low 50Hz while rears go down to mid 60s. Room is 8' high x 18' wide x 12' deep, is reasonably well treated, but size will limit the longest waves. While there is no point in overloading room with a giant box and driver, pressure and speed with good tone are all desirable assets. Upper budget is about $1500, but I will consider more budget conscious options.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,

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I think it is a 2.5 way in MTM physical layout. I ordered the Apex's based on reviews and personal experience with the less sophisticated MA Radius series larger wall mounts and the MA Silver RX 1 bookshelf speakers that have components similar to the Apex. Both of these speakers I liked a lot. Since I listen to a lot of music, I opted for the larger 40's for both the fronts and centers. I'll see how well this works with the Arcam 400, and will return if they don't work out in my room.
if you could find a alon or nola thunderbolt sub they will satisfy your every need fast powerful and musical
I'd second or third the suggestion of an SVS SB13 Ultra. And this is coming from an owner of a pair of HSU ULS-15s. The SVS sealed subs have the right combination of sound quality, impact, and price. Very musical subs. Alternatively, if you're into used equipment, the SVS SB12+ would be a great buy if you can find one willing to part with it.