You need to understand that a speaker can give it's lowest frequency when you play at loud volumes. When you play at normal volumes, the speaker does not go that low.
Subwoofers go deeper at lower volumes, this is a big advantage. And now comes the main part, you can point out low frequencies from 80hz.
When you use a subwoofer with an extreme fast driver ( ceramics/alluminium) you can use it till 140hz with ease. This is including acoustic measurment.
The influence becomes even bigger. It can make instrument and voices more palpable. You even hear more details when you compare the same music without a subwoofer.
Even stage depth and width is expanding with a subwoofer when you are able to use it the right way.
Most subwoofers are to slow in response, so you can't use them over 100hz. In these situations you are better of without a subwoofer. 2016 it is possible to create a higher level in sound wiith a subwoofer than without. And yes we are talking only about stereo use.