My friend George and I had the great pleasure of meeting Melissa and Chris of Clarity Cable at THE Show 2011 fantastic Raven speakers). We stayed late one night comparing my CDP to the Eastern Electric DAC w/ Chris's mods.
In the estimated eight-nine years I've owned my CDP I preferred it to every other CDP and/or DAC sampled up to about ten x what I have into the CDP. Myself and the owner of a $20k EMM 2-box both preferred my CDP. I preferred it over a $10k Wadia 27ix. Maybe the $30k dCS and/or Meridian were preferred. The point is my CDP soundly trounced every Red Book playback priced anywhere near affordable.
Till that night described above. Best I could tell I preferred the Clarity EE DAC over my CDP throughout, in every way I could detect. The EE gave up nothing in any way, including pure musicality and pure listening pleasure, lack of fatigue, etc. I tried hard to imagine weakness in these areas because that's where my CDP is tops, but no, the EE gave up nothing in that regard.
Chris and Melissa and extremely wonderful and pleasant people with which to share time. It was a great visit. Their cables seem top notch. Chris is really easy to talk to, a nice treat for a specialty company.
In the estimated eight-nine years I've owned my CDP I preferred it to every other CDP and/or DAC sampled up to about ten x what I have into the CDP. Myself and the owner of a $20k EMM 2-box both preferred my CDP. I preferred it over a $10k Wadia 27ix. Maybe the $30k dCS and/or Meridian were preferred. The point is my CDP soundly trounced every Red Book playback priced anywhere near affordable.
Till that night described above. Best I could tell I preferred the Clarity EE DAC over my CDP throughout, in every way I could detect. The EE gave up nothing in any way, including pure musicality and pure listening pleasure, lack of fatigue, etc. I tried hard to imagine weakness in these areas because that's where my CDP is tops, but no, the EE gave up nothing in that regard.
Chris and Melissa and extremely wonderful and pleasant people with which to share time. It was a great visit. Their cables seem top notch. Chris is really easy to talk to, a nice treat for a specialty company.