@kokakolia, Sonus Faber is made in Italy, Focals are made in France; they make all their own drivers and some for other manufacturers (like Wilson). Tekton Design, sources drivers from all over but many of their woofers are made in the USA by Eminence. I believe SF is making all their drivers now too after a failed experiment with China on the Venere line. I know this because I have owned/own speakers from all of these brands.
Regardless, country of origin shouldn’t matter from a sonic persepctive. Supply chains are global and parts or materials are sourced from all over the world. Who "makes" your smartphone? It’s about design and QC, that’s what matters.
For myself, origin is more about supporting friends or pride of ownership. I’m under no believe that something will sound better or worse just becasue of where it was manufactured so long as design and QC are behind it (e.g. branding).