Suggested Phono Preamp

System: Music Hall MMF-5.1SE Turntable, Dynovector, NAD C356BEE,Monitor Audio Silver 8 speakers.

looking for a phono pre amp but am very confused with all the choices under $1,000.

Appreciate suggestion.

The Music Hall has the Dynovector 10X5. Thank you kindly for your suggestion.

I also use the Music Hall Speed Box-George
You can't go wrong with the P75. With that in place, a future upgrade can be something like a dv20 low output version. I have all of this stuff too. I'm not getting the info from a magazine like so many others.
There is a guy selling a Project phono preamp for $225 that will be fine in your system. They're good products for the money.
I don't think you need spend more to enjoy what your turntable/cart combo is capable of.
Hi George:
EAR 834P is the best I've heard, but has to be used to be under $1000. Very warm full sound with deep rich bass. If you find one without the Moving Coil transformers it's OK; it will be cheaper and those transformers aren't very good anyway. Replace the tubes with Gold Lions if noisy. If you like something a bit brighter sounding the Graham Slees are very good. PS Audio NuWave is excellent especially with MC's and can digitize LP's to very high rez, but used price more than $1K.
- Jack
Chayro, is correct.
Its a Project made TT and will sound fine with Project phono pre.