Suggested Phono Preamp

System: Music Hall MMF-5.1SE Turntable, Dynovector, NAD C356BEE,Monitor Audio Silver 8 speakers.

looking for a phono pre amp but am very confused with all the choices under $1,000.

Appreciate suggestion.

There is a guy selling a Project phono preamp for $225 that will be fine in your system. They're good products for the money.
I don't think you need spend more to enjoy what your turntable/cart combo is capable of.
Hi George:
EAR 834P is the best I've heard, but has to be used to be under $1000. Very warm full sound with deep rich bass. If you find one without the Moving Coil transformers it's OK; it will be cheaper and those transformers aren't very good anyway. Replace the tubes with Gold Lions if noisy. If you like something a bit brighter sounding the Graham Slees are very good. PS Audio NuWave is excellent especially with MC's and can digitize LP's to very high rez, but used price more than $1K.
- Jack
Chayro, is correct.
Its a Project made TT and will sound fine with Project phono pre.
A used Heed Quasar is a killer. It goes under the radar in the US, however just ask any Heed dealer what is their best phono near the 1k mark and they will most probably be selling Heeds over some of the more known names. It's a killer phono stage and easy to use.