Suggestion for preamp - Spendor's & Cary

I have moved from an integrated amp (Creek 5350 SE and/or modified Scott 299B) to separates. I purchased a Cary CAD 808 (Rocket 88) and need some help with choosing a pre-amp. Speakers are Spendor SP 9/1’s. I am presently using a borrowed Luxman tube pre-amp (I have to give that back) I like the Luxman but don’t have anything to compare it to. I find I sometimes push the volume pretty far. I listen to everything but mostly folk, rock, acoustic blues. I like acoustic guitar music with simple arrangements and I like to occasionally get the blood stirring with something that really jumps.

I love the detail and soundstage I have heard from tubes but don’t feel as though I have realized the capabilities of the large Spendors with their 12” drivers. Spendors are 90db efficient.

Price range about $1,000.00 or less.

Thanks in advance for thoughtful comments and advice.
Thanks to both of you Gentlemen for the advice. I will look into the reviews of the brands you have suggested.

For a moment I thought I was getting direction from the allmighty himself - Newbee, you shouldn't have corrected yourself. I was quite impressed. :)
Late post. The Spendors, all big Spendors, devour power. The more quality tube power you can feed them the better. Forget their power rating, feed them plenty. Things just get better. I would look at some strong monblocs and stick with tubes. Spendor and great tube gear is one the best sounds out there, no doubt. You just need to power them up to have them shine.
I used the Cary V12i with my Spendor 1/2e speakers and at 50 watts triode/100 watts ultralinear that just was not enough power for them. I moved to a 225 watt custom made solid state amp and the difference was not subtle. The speakers really opened up, especially in the bass and lower frequencies. I'll not advocate you get a solid state amp, but there are several high power tube amps/hybrids out there you should look at as an alternative. This IMO would give you more bang for the buck versus a new tube preamp.