There is nothing wrong with buying a turntable on ebay, just make sure the seller knows how to pack and ship it. I have sold and shipped a number of tables without any damage whatsoever. I have received a few tables that were wrecked, and it is all in the packing, rarely the shipping company.
So, make sure the seller removes the platter and tonearm at a miniumum and pack them seperately. Of course, any cartridge should be removed and packed. Dont let them use peanuts, because they get everywhere you dont want them to.
For the price you are looking at, you can get any number of Oracle Delphi Mk II, VPI MK IV, Sota Sapphire, Townshend Rock III, all of which attempted the state of the art at some point. They will probably come with Rega RB300 or Sumiko/Jelco arms which are acceptable. Any of those will get you a huge part of the vinyl experience. Then get a record vacuum machine and some set up tools and you are all set to go.
So, make sure the seller removes the platter and tonearm at a miniumum and pack them seperately. Of course, any cartridge should be removed and packed. Dont let them use peanuts, because they get everywhere you dont want them to.
For the price you are looking at, you can get any number of Oracle Delphi Mk II, VPI MK IV, Sota Sapphire, Townshend Rock III, all of which attempted the state of the art at some point. They will probably come with Rega RB300 or Sumiko/Jelco arms which are acceptable. Any of those will get you a huge part of the vinyl experience. Then get a record vacuum machine and some set up tools and you are all set to go.