you may have heard some Klipsch models over the years but did you hear them being powered by the sort of amp you're now interested in?
My vintage Klipschorns react differently to each amp I use with them - 12W Mullard, 20W Weston Troubadour and my 2.5W Miniwatt. All are valve amps.
Solid state works but sounds a bit edgy to my ears but having said that, a friends Peachtree iNova really rocks them with some real finesse.
It seems that the less power presented to them results in better sound imo.
I also have Zu Soul Superflys in a 2nd system and the results seem to be the same alttough the Mullard, with 16Ohm outputs seems to pair best with them.
You won't go wrong with the Miniwatt. Minimal outlay and maximum fun! Highly recommended.
Good luck!
My vintage Klipschorns react differently to each amp I use with them - 12W Mullard, 20W Weston Troubadour and my 2.5W Miniwatt. All are valve amps.
Solid state works but sounds a bit edgy to my ears but having said that, a friends Peachtree iNova really rocks them with some real finesse.
It seems that the less power presented to them results in better sound imo.
I also have Zu Soul Superflys in a 2nd system and the results seem to be the same alttough the Mullard, with 16Ohm outputs seems to pair best with them.
You won't go wrong with the Miniwatt. Minimal outlay and maximum fun! Highly recommended.
Good luck!