Suggestions for solid state balanced linestage with remote, $2000 or less

I haven't had a higher end solid state linestage for some time.  Have had some cheaper ones but felt they add some grain and tizziness to the signal.  Want to be able to run power amps with a balanced input (e.g., Audio Research power amps), and have remote switching capability for source selection.

From my knowledge the usual suspects would be from Ayre, maybe Modwright.  Haven't kept track of newer models and brands that may offer a lot of performance and value. 

Thoughts welcome.
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I'm in the same situation.  My early research has me interested in the Belles Aria Preamp - $1600.  (not balanced)
For new gear, I would look at the Musical Fidelity M6s PRE which is fully balanced.  Wonderful unit and a strong value since MF is made in Taiwan.  MAP on it is $1890 but is as good as many units that are much more expensive.  

You could also look at an Ayre K5xeMP.  Used it will be in the ~$2K range, maybe a little less.  I used one for years personally and think it is a wonderful preamp.  

I am an MF dealer.  PM me if you are interested in the M6.