suggestions for turntable set up around $6,000.

Wow! I just went to a friends house and heard a good turntable for the first time. I think it is time to take out some old albums and get a turntable. I have a Electrocompaniet cd player but the table sure sounded nice. I am looking into Shelter cartriges, and possibly a VPI turntable, and purchasing through AG will most likely be the path followed. Would like to hear some pros and cons of tables,etc. Concerns would maintance on certain cartriges, durability of all componets. I have a Atma-sphere mp1 preamp and a ma2 amp, Ralph at Atma-sphers said it is a great phono stage and should not have a problem with most mc cartriges. I JUST WANT TO DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME the 6k figure is not carved in stone but with all audio there must be some budget, at least for me. I also would like a table that looks as good as it sounds, all info. is really appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by tpsonic

Eurolab with Morch arm or used Graham 2.2=roughly +/- $4500.Add a Nottingham MM at $1250 or upgrade to Rose Petal/used Clearaudio Insider.{Can help on pricing-last two=$2200}.Happy hunting.
I would like to withdraw my recommendation for the Audio Advancements products.I ran into some problems with the products and Hart has been unresponsive and downright rude during phone conversations,not to mention ignoring e-mails.Nobody deserves to be treated this way after spending their money.I believe the way a company treats a customer after purchase, and should problems occur,speak volumes.TWO THUMBS DOWN.
Tom, My problem was with the Schroder arm.I believe something had gone amiss in shipping.I believe it was poorly packed and with my poor vision,I assumed it might be my fault.It was proven otherwise.Hart didn't want to be involved with setting things straight.I have, since that time,been in contact with Frank Schroder.He was kind enough to set things straight and has provided me with his contact information.I love the Eurolab Premier and I am glad there is another source for the table in the USA.I will contact you by phone on 7-22-03.There are others who prefer not to deal with Audio Advancements and his horse manure .
I believe the Schroder arms and Eurolab tables are both fine products.I would have preferred to buy them from someone who would directly deal with any problem that might occur.Instead of dealing with the problem,he was more interested in making sure that he wasn't blamed and didn't have to spend "his" money to correct it.Either you are part of the problem,or part of the solution.