suggestions for used class A integrated under $2k

Hi all...

i'm looking to change things up a bit. I figured I'd gain more value by going with a class A integrated (w/remote!) than with componants.
I like to keep it simple.

Looking for suggestions? I can't demo anything in my area as all there is for moderate hi-fi is B&K and Rotel dealers, and they mostly focus on multi-channel stuff. I'm only looking for two channels. Two *really nice* channels.
My goal is to spend as little as possible..but stay under $2k for sure. $1500 would be my ideal target price.

Im thinking Plinius 8200mkII or Krell kav 300i as they seem to come up in my price range.
Also curious as to the Jolida integrated.

Tube or SS, no matter. I've only heard SS so i'm in for experimenting!
I'm coming from a nice tube pre and McCormack DNA-1.

I listen to mostly live rock/fusion recordings, but also all the classic jazz, country, chamber music and everything in between. I like big soundstage, pinpoint imaging and plenty of punch. I'll be driving a pair of Von Schweikert VR2's in a nearfield setting in pretty big room.

thank you for your suggestions.
Since everyone is pushing SS, I'll give you some tube suggestions: I'd look at the Audiomat Arpege if your speakers are efficient enough to handle tubes (90db+ - I'm pretty sure those VR2's are efficient aren't they?). Also the Pathos got an all-out, no-holds-barred highest reccomendation from Stereophile recently if that kind of recommendation floats your boat. Certainly may be worth listening too. Jolida's 502B would save you some $ and be a very satisfying choice IMO. As you can guess, I prefer tubes over SS. I would strongly suggest you go out and listen to some well put-together systems using both technologies before making any decisions simply based upon reccommendations of others, and by all means audition both in your own system. The "plenty of punch" part may lead me to say SS, but your musical preferences would speak to tubes big time IMO. Go listen to both. Push/pull tube amps should give you the punch you're after with those listening preferences. The differences in the sound of an SS and a tube system, given both are thoughfully assembled, are worth hearing with your own ears to form your own opinion.....they are quite different. If you are used to a good tube sound, the SS may offer a bit of contrast. Whether you like it or not is up to you.

Some more suggestions:

- Unison Research Unico
- BV Audio A300 (I -think- that's the right model, do a search on them/it)
- The NEWER Pathos Classic One as mentioned by Marco (closer to $2k, maybe you can swing a deal; don't go for the older one, though)
- Audio Analogue Puccini SE (only 50wpc, but they are very musical watts)

You may be asking too much for a $1500 budget, but I think many or any of the above, along with the Plinius recommendation, is good.
I just got a Myryad integrated (the MI-120, 60 watts per channel) for a friend and it is incredibly dynamic and smooth sounding, esp. for the $500 she paid. The MI-240 is 120 watts and can be found for around $1200. Some dealers are running fire sales on their Myryad gear, check around to see if there are any MI-240's left for sale. I think you would be pleasantly surprised at the sound of these integrateds. The MI-120 is every bit as dynamic and full as another friend's Krell integrated (not sure which model; it retailed for $2500 about 5 yrs ago).