Suggestions needed for an SS Stereo Amp w/+175wpc

I need to reduce the number of components to accommodate a smaller rack. Room size is 15 x 20 x 9ft. Currently using Arcam P1 monoblocks (175wpc @8ohms) with an Arcam AV8. The system is used for stereo listening and video. Speakers will be Ohm 1000's.

The preamp output impedance of the AV8 is 25 ohms. To obtain satisfying dynamics at low volume I want an amp with as much, or more power than the P1's.

Which SS amps should I consider that will pair well with the preamp section of my AV8? My budget is 2k, and recommendations for used amps are fine. Thanks.
AL, I think your assessment regarding the Carver m4.0t is right on target on all points. I do recall the damping factor to be quite low (which in addition to my ears led me to suspect it was not well matched for the OHM 5s) and yes it was a "Silver Seven" model.
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Thanks again for all of your responses. It seems like I might be able to have success, and save some $, with either an MF AC3R (just missed one listed on CAM) or a Bel Canto es300. Any comments about differences between the two?

Haven't heard the Bel Canto so can't help you there. THe A3CR matches up nicely with OHM 100s in my system, plenty of natural sounding volume, huge soundstage, solid and defined low end, very good definition and detail, and not fatiguing. Some think the A3CR is a touch on the hot/forward side compared to some amps that are a bit softer on the top end perhaps, and there may be some truth to that.