Suggestions on Integrated Amp./Seperates to Run my Klipschorns

Hello ~
I was wondering if anybody had any firsthand experience with Klipschorns (1976) and any of these Integrated Amps/Amps? Any feedback and/or caution would really be appreciated. I am putting together a 2 Channel system and have my speakers, now looking for the rest.
        1. Hegel H390
        2. Mac MA352 
        3. Primaluna Evo 400 
        4. Levinson #585 
        5. Benchmark AHB2/DAC3. 
My primary listening would be through a Music Streamer (Bluesound 2i or Lumen D2) and Tidal. I listen to all types of music so I need something that can hang. 
My room is 16 x 25 with 9 foot ceilings.
+1 on Decware’s SE84UFO ($995). You do not need a preamp to monoblock. You will need to feed the left channel into BOTH inputs on the amp. Then you jumper the left positive speaker output to the to the right negative speaker output. Attach your speaker to the left negative and right positive outputs. Do the same thing with the right channel. This is from the owners manual for doing a series connection which is recommended for best results.

Decware does offer a couple of upgrades. One is a capacitor upgrade that "offers a more organic presentation". The other is a capacitor bypass mod that gives it more transient speed. If you have to pick one go for the bypass mod.

They also offer the SE34I.5. Six watts of set power using EL34 power tubes and variants. It can have up to 4 inputs, a headphone jack, single or dual volume controls, upgraded capacitors and a capacitor bypass upgrade. Stepped attenuators are also an option. $1495 stock. $1915 with upgraded caps and bypass mod. $120 to add a quarter inch headphone jack. Cheaper than buying two SE84UFO amps to get six watts and you can pick out more options. You get 12 watts if you monoblock.

I am using a 3 watt EL84 set amp with my Decware Imperials. Just added a Schiit Jotunheim with a phono card to be used as a preamp.
I'm also in the set camp and I believe the line magnetic 845 would be an excellent choice.
Stay safe and enjoy your journey
Thanks everybody for the feedback. I am just getting back into the 2 Channel arena and wanted to do this right the first time. If I were to go the Integrated Amp. route, is there an Integrated Amp. that stands above all others for 2 Channel listening? Not to muddy the waters but is a DAC recommended for a high end set up? I don't want to throw crazy money at diminishing returns but want to do this right the first time while I have the opportunity. Thanks everybody. 
Klipschorns are the only speaker, I can recommend an amp of 150W or less to drive.
 So bright, so searing to my ears. Almost painful.
 Find a warm amp and preamp to tone down that horn tweeter.

she is so brutal to me.
 I heard on a pair of Adcom mono blocs, it was horrible.

  A warm preamp and amp I would look for.
just my opinion.

herdegen OP
Suggestions on Integrated Amp./Seperates to Run my Klipschorns

I had a pair of the old ones, 20 years ago

None of those amps power is needed, you can almost get ear spitting levels by rubbing to sticks together to power Klipschorns.

Klipschorns are in your face speakers with the wrong amp, suggest a triode push pull tube amp with tight bass and a laid back top end.
Quicksilver 6C33C amps come to mind.

Or maybe even better still a Class-A solid state like Pass Labs Class-A XA30.5 or XA30.8

Cheers George