suggestions on MM to MC upgrade

Current setting is Linn LP12 (pre-cirkus, valhalla) + Ittok LVII + Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood + Lehmann black cube, sounds wonderful - may be a bit on the rich side, but it sounds great to me, plus Virtuoso seems to track on anything. I am thinking to go to MC route and already obtained a Linto from the bay. However, I am bit concern how much should I spend on the MC cart so that it won't be just a lateral move. Here are the list of a few carts that I am looking at:

Audio Technica OC9
Audio Technica AT33PTG / EV
Ortofon Kontrapunkt
Ortofon Jubilee
Ortofon Cadenza
Clearaudio Concerto

The price range is pretty wide, and I don't know too much about other carts anyway - in fact, among the list the only one I listend to personally is ATOC9. Any suggestion is much appreciated.
I have both the OC9 and the 33EV. I can't really give an accurate comparison as my OC9 is around 20 years old and in line for a Soundsmith update and I just got the 33. I can say I have been very satisfied with both. I actually used the 9 in an Ittok, as well as Zeta and SME IV, it worked well in all. The 33 is in a Graham 2.2. The cartridge I have used most during the last 17 years or so is the Denon 304, I have one in my VPI 12.7 now. However its price has gone up recently so I would go with the 33EV, I got mine for $399.99 at J&R. Had to wait a while for them to be in stock but best price I found. I suggest you try one as it will be very representative of a good moving coil. I have stayed with AT and Denon because their prices have not undergone the unjustified [to me] extreme inflation of most of the MCs. In the end system and taste govern but the OC9, 33EV and 304 are all excellent cartridges and will take you far up the mountain if not to the very summit.
Audio Technica AT33PTG

A REALLY good MC cart with heathy output - .5mV

Can buy from EBay for under $400 delivered.
I've gone from MC to the Virtuoso and feel no need to return.In recent years I've used the Benz MC 2,Dynavector 20X,Ortofon X5 MC and Kontrapunkt B among others.The Virtuoso Wood sounds better in my set-up(Acoustic Signature Manfred with stock RB 250)than any MC I've tried.I also like the Ortofon 2M Blue and Bronze which I am using on vintage Dual CS 5000 tables.