Sundsmith rebuild.

I just had a Monstercable Alpha1 rebuilt by Soundsmith. I opted for the $150 rebuild (their cheapest -- it's a very old cartridge, and my first rebuild experience).

Wow! I am blown away! It is really good sounding.

At first it was shrill. I was concerned. Then I adjusted the VTA, and let it break in more.

The cartridge has settled in beautifully. Highs are definitely not shrill. Detail is there, so is a nice tight bass. Voices are present and not veiled. There is really good air and depth. The highs and midrange are so much better than I expected; and the bass is very satisfying.

$150 incredibly well spent!!! I am pleased and will send more of my old cartridges to them.

I would love to hear about your cartridge rebuild experiences, as I like the dialogue forum.

I recently sent a Van den Hul MC-10 MC to Soundsmith to have the suspension replaced. Peter Lendermann called me and told me that the stylus and cantilever were in as new condition and the suspension was in fact all that it needed. I received the cartridge back from Soundsmith in about three weeks after I had sent it. The workmanship is excellent and I would recommend Soundsmith to anyone needing cartridge repair.
That's very interesting, as I have been waiting now seven months for my first Soundsmith retip. I have been patient & am still hoping for the best, but this approaches my limit.

FYI, I sent my Grace F9E Ruby to Soundsmith in early October, and the email in which they provided me with an ra number included this statement:
Mr. Ledermann is recovering from some serious health problems, but is doing his best to catch up on cartridge repairs, and keep our repair turnaround time at about 12-14 weeks. We greatly appreciate your patience during this time.
Best regards,
-- Al