Supratek Tubes and Tube Swappin' for Everybody

I will have a Supratek Chenin in my set up in a day or so. Since so many folks are rolling tubes around here I was hoping to garner a comprehensive list of everybodies favorite tube compliments. Be it NOS or NIB or WLATB (Whatever's layin around the basement)
Being that the "Deal of the Century" thread is a little more like a novel I figured this would be a good place to post questions and answers related to one subject of Supratek amps and pres.
On to the subject of me. I don't have immediate plans to swap tubes as I've figured that Mr. Maloney would supply us with something listenable for the break in period. But, since so many have reported such dramatic improvments I want to ask this question:
What is your favorite compliment for quietest gain and dynamics in the phono stage?
I will be using the Chenin exclusively for vinyl ( I don't have a CD player) and listen to loads of early rock and roll and Jazz bands, smaller jazz bands mostly, quartets and quintets. Some classical, the usual Beethoven and Mozart, but usually just a lot of loud garage rock.
Ok, now lets see what happens.
Syrah/Chenin tubes

I have a Syrah which is the same as the new Chenin (or Chardonnay plus phono). Most of the discussion here is about the Grange or Cortese or higher end models. So I'm not sure what applies to my Syrah. I'm currently using the following tubes from tube depot:

Regulators: Sovtek KT66 $49.95/pair
Line Stage: EH 6SN7 $11.95/pair + $2 to match
Rectifier: Bendix 6106 $39.95 ea

Are there better options for the Syrah? Can I even use the TJ 300B, TJ PX/4 or Sohpia 45 discussed here? Or does my unit not support the correct volates, etc? Other options I should look at?

I'm a big clueless here.

Thanks in advance!

300B, PX/4 or 45 tubes are designated for various incarnations the Cabernet and Grange. These tubes are not to be used with the Syrah. Your instruction manual that was supplied with your syrah will outline the tubes that will work with the Syrah.

What is your budget for retubing?

6f6gt works quite well in the regulator position. NOS tube rolling in the line stage has been described this thread.

First off, let's make sure we are only talking about the Syrah here.

You cannot use the 300B, PX4 or 45 tube replacing the 6SN7 tubes or any other tubes in the preamp without any modifications. The most obvious reason is that 300B and 45 have a different pin configuration, and number of pins, thus, different sockets required. The DHT (directly heated tubes) 300B, PX4 and 45 requires 4 pin sockets usually called UX4 sockets while the 6SN7 requires an octal socket (8 pins).

Let's leave the circuit characteristics of the Syrah for now.


Thanks for the clarification about which tubes may be used with the Syrah/Chenin. That's very helpful! I'm a tube novice :)

Powers - price isn't so much of a concern. I can spend as much as might be suggested if it will result in a corresponding increase in sonic results. I guess I'd put a cap on price only to the extent that the tube prices recommended are so expensive for my little Syrah but the resulting improvement is so small due to limitations of the Syrah that one could barely hear it than it might not be worth it. In that case maybe it would be worth looking at jumping up from the Syrah/Chenin to a higher end model preamp like a Grange or Cortese instead that can really take advantage of a better selection of tubes. Does that make sense? I guess it comes down to bang for the buck and living within the limitations of what can be reasonably expected out of a Syrah.

I was attracted to this preamp because of the extreme value it offers - best bang for the buck out there according to many and I haven't been disappointed in the least with its performance. But I lack knowledge in the whole world of tube selection so I'm a bit over my head in this department. If you have any suggestions that would really improve the sound of the Syrah I'll give it a shot. but if you think I may already be near it's limits and probably shouldn't toss too much into more expensive tubes for this model because it would be a better bang for the buck to upgrade the whole preamp I would take a look at that too. But honestly I'm pretty happy with what it has brought to my system so far. It is a huge improvement to the SS preamp I had before without any doubt. Right now its paired with a Pass Labs 250.5 and some older Watt Puppies. The tubes I have currently are the following from tube depot:

Regulators: Sovtek KT66 $49.95/pair
Line Stage: EH 6SN7 $11.95/pair
Rectifier: Bendix 6106 $39.95 ea

Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi there,
I got a Chenin just before Mick shut up shop and love it dearly.

If you can grab a pair of Kenrad VT231 black tube to replace the stock EH 6SN7. You are likely to get more body to the music and better bass. I've tried some Sylvania Brown base 6SN7, new russian made Tungsol 6SN7GT and RCA grey glass but still prefers the Ken Rad.

For the rectifier, i'm using the same Bendix 6106 and Russian Tungsol KT66 for the regulators.

I play vinyl quite a lot and thinks the Chenin phonostage is a star for a build in stage. But I did swap out the stock EH6922 with some NOS Russian Military 6H23N-EB from

Good tubes for not too much money but i couldn't help myself with a pair of NOS Siemens 6922 later on which were dearer but they paled against these Russian Millitary tubes, less sound stage depth, size and resolution. So not all expensive tubes are inherently better.

Incidentally, i've tried 2 solid state phono stages (still got the PS Audio GCPH) against the Chenin over the last year but i still prefer the Chenin by a large margin despite slightly higher noise floor.