Check with Anthem, they will upgrade any pre/pro to any other model, see what they would want to go to the AVM50v or possibly the D2v.
The cost might not be worth it, but since they DO this you should at least find out what they would charge for it first. I cannot comment on the DTC 9.8 or the new DHC 9.9 as I haven['t had them in my system (though with all the buzz they've made I am tempted to buy one just to see) but I have lived with a D2, and now the D2 with ARC for some time, and it is a very solid performer with excellent video processing.
The cost might not be worth it, but since they DO this you should at least find out what they would charge for it first. I cannot comment on the DTC 9.8 or the new DHC 9.9 as I haven['t had them in my system (though with all the buzz they've made I am tempted to buy one just to see) but I have lived with a D2, and now the D2 with ARC for some time, and it is a very solid performer with excellent video processing.