Survey-What is your most used source?

Just curious, what is your most used source: CD, tuner, cassette, LP, dish...?

I purchased a tuner about six months ago, I hadn't used one in my system in well over 10 years. It is easily now my most used source.

Model: Fanfare FT-1A
i hate to say it, but my third gen ipod gets the most play. walking to and from work, in the gym on old busted headphones, or in my office on old busted computer speakers. well its better than nothing and keeps the music playing!
CD: 98% LP: 2%

CD has certainly come a long way. I would be interested more in SACD if there were more titles.
Interesting,not many post for analog.I ustiliize my VPI MK3 with Morch Arm and Grado Reference Cartridge about 99% of the time and wipes out I think any CD player I ever heard regardless of price,But I haven't heard all of the high end
CD players in Audioland.Maybe something is still out in the cosmos ready to suck me into digital.
The other 1% I listen to is my analog tuner modified Marantz 120 by Joseph Chow.