sweetest sounding ss integrated

Despite my efforts to talk him out of it, a friend of mine is downsizing and simplifying, getting out of tubed separates, and is looking for a ss, or possibly hybrid, integrated that leans towards the euphonic.

Price range: $1500 to $3500 new or used.

Other components: Cambridge 840C, B&W 703s.

Musical preferences: classical, particularly large scale.

Not much to offer here, except to say that the Sim amps I have heard seemed far from euphoric to me.
I have not hear them all but these come to mind:

Red Wine 30.2
maybe a used rowland..not sure on the price of these
I've had a few int's over the years & in fact just downsized from a BAT amp & Pass pre a month ago to a Blue Circle CS. By far the best & most musical int. I've owned. I recently listened to the new Cayin hybrid & auditioned the MF int. series last year. In a 2nd system yrs. ago I had a MF X-A1 and before that a Creek. All the above pieces were pretty good. The only int. I had I didn't like was a Plinius 8200. Just not a good fit.
Oops I missed the "hybrid" comment. There are lots of hybrid options....add Jolida to your list,