switching from Tubes to SS

I am thinking of making the switch. I would welcome your opinions on a SS amp (either stereo or mono blocks)

My setup is as follows

Wadia 861 Cd Player
First Sound Pre amp
ProAc Response 5 speakers
Fim Cables
Hydra PLC

Thank you in advance
Brad Fisher
Drubin- With your choice in speakers, ss could easily be a better match. However, (and this isn't intended as a slam against the CJ-11a, but ...) you need to try a much better tube amp (and possibly amp / different speaker combo) before you dismiss tubes as a clear alternative. There is a reason why there are so many ardent supporters of tube amplification. In a friends system, the Pass amp (the bigger brother to yours) was totally uninspiring, and I'm being kind, when compared to a 8 watt Air Tight SET or the 12 watt Viva SET or a 25 watt Graaf OTL. Certainly, the Pass could play loud, but with efficient speakers, it only reproduced a recording, never the illusion of music.

Yes, I've been at this long enough to have owned and listened to many good to great ss systems. It may be partially true that because I like to be more actively involved with my system, I have gravitated toward tube equipment. However, it is the illusion of a musical event, the transcending of time and place, which stirs us emotionally that is the holy grail of audio. The technology that allows each of us to best attain this goal should be clearly secondary. Audio isn't simply a competition between which technology has the lowest distortion figures or the highest SN ratio.

There are major system dependencies and personal preferences involved in building any great audio system. I just wish that everyone could get the chance to experience (live with) a great tube-based system. Of course, one might still opt for ss gear, that's obviously an indiviual choice. But at least you would have a true reference point by which to understand the tubaholic.
Just my misguided opinion.
Jeez Brad what kind of ss amp do you think could replace an OTL amp? Maybe you're tired of the heat and tube hassle? If you make the switch I'm giving odds you'll eventually come back to tubes. Spoken like a true tubeaholic.

Jctubes I couldn't agree with your "misguided" opinion more, very well stated.
Hmmm...interesting. I'll try to get my hands on a more exotic tube amp one of these days and see if, for me, it does a better job of creating the illusion of a musical event. -dan
Drubin, I agree with your opinion of the CJ amps. Just because an amp has tubes does not mean it is going to be romantic, sloppy bass, warm, rich with a softing in the treble. I sometimes get the feeling many believe this to be the nature of tubes. I have heard tube based systems that I could not tell if it were tube or SS except for the 3D effect and spatial qualities mentioned by others. The comments and comparisons Jcbtubes talks of were done in my system. There is no way the Pass X350 sounds like tubes. Maybe I should say in my system the Pass could not pass off as a tube sounding amp. If possible take a listen to a whytech, Wavac, Viva or a good OTL. You will soon understand the wonderful world of tubes. You will soon be following the 12 step program of the tubaholic. IMO, if you want to mix SS and tubes (I am not sure why you would) use a tube amp and a SS preamp. Just another misguided opinion. Wish you the best in your hunt for realism.