
Does someone has an experience with SYNERGiSTIC RESEARCH GALILEO SX INTERCONNECT ?

the price new is around 9500 $.

what would be its "weaknesses"? What do you think about the bullets (gold and silver)?

is the sound natural/neutral?

is it better than stealth indra V10? nordorst valhalla 2 which are less expensive?

an alternative to stealth sakra V12/V16?

I Read some good reviews , but its difficult to find what real people think about it.

Thank you



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At this price point. You should ask for at home audition and you can figure out which one sounds better to your ears. Your dealer will be more than happy to help you.

Thanks moneone. however , i never buy "new" because it's too expensive.... so i will not ask a dealer to make a test. 

today i have a stealth indra V10 and a nordorst valhalla 2, and i could have an opportunity on a galileo SX. I tried to find a sakra xlr but it's impossible..

That's the reason why i try to have some informations from users...


... i never buy "new" because it's too expensive.... so i will not ask a dealer to make a test ...

Have you checked the lending library at The Cable Co.?

What components are you connecting with the IC. Maybe someone can tell you more when you provide more detail at least in general.