Synergistic ECTs

I’m liking what the purple fuses do so much that I decided to look into SR's other stuff. Now I’ve got a set of ECTs on the way. Can’t wait to try them out. I'll probably use most of them on my DAC, but I think I'll try one on my Apple TV box, as well.

Who else uses them?


Can’t complain about those who have actually tried them sharing their experience😉

I’ll know what they do (or don’t do) with my gear soon enough.

Got my set of ECTs in on Monday, and have been enjoying a variety of music since. I ended up putting 3 in my DAC, one on the D/A chip, one near the fuse, and one near the output tube (12AU7). I also put one on my digital cable at the transport side, and one on the wall plug feeding my CPT power conditioner, which all the components are plugged into. The difference is obvious, across the board improvement. They are definitely not going back, and I will likely be getting more in the future.


I have been aware of the ECTs for some time, but kind of dismissed them until recently. Probably because they take a little effort to place and experiment with, and they weren’t the latest greatest tweak, getting a lot of buzz. I now wish I had tried them sooner. To my ears, in my system, they are a great value for the money. If you haven’t tried them, are open minded, and looking for a relatively inexpensive way to take your current system to another level of musical enjoyment, I highly recommend giving them a shot. You can always return them if you don’t get similar results in your system.

What do they do exactly?


I had zero luck with the HFT's. Probably because my room is fully treated. And no impact from an FEQ either.

I have a Wizard coming to try that.

Kinda dig the purple fuse in the preamp (only unit that is fused). I really liked the SHD beeswax fuse but the one I have is way too high a value to continue using.

“What do they do exactly?”

Here's what it says on SR’s website:

“ECTs clean up high frequency noise that otherwise distort harmonic structures within the music signal.”

With 5 in difference places in my system, I hear increased transparency, detail, immediacy, palpability, sense of space, and musicality across the board. You know, all the good stuff we're looking for😉 That may sound over the top, but it is what I am hearing. Will you hear the same in your system? Don't know, you'll have to find that out for yourself.

The HFT’s had its qualities, but once I added Stillpoint’s Aperture ll’s to my room I realized that the HFT was sort of a fake sound. The ECT's did nothing with my equipment.

IMHO that is...
