The Migs are quite interesting..
Under my Preamp and Amp it is a no brainer much better in the Pinpoint Config.
On my Cary 306 Pro CD player though neither position beats just using the Cary Tall machined spikes.
Since I now have an extra pair of the Migs I would like to try them on my Powercell. Not sure how I am going to lift it up high enough to clear the Galileos plugged into the back of the Powercell.
My choices sem to remove the tall sharp spikes I am presently using and place either myrtle blocks under a Mig or some ceramic tiles under the Mig's.
Any other suggestions would be helpful.
If this proves to be too much trouble < iw ill use them under my Oppo 83 SE.
Barcardi, I am sure the Migs would improve your sub, but I think you would get more bang for your bucks on your stereo components.
Also,to the question on plugging a Galileo into your Powecell. Running the dual leads to the Powercell and Powercord is a must. Think about it everything plugged into the Powercell will benifit by the use of that Galileo.
SR great products. service and helpful Audiogon members.
Under my Preamp and Amp it is a no brainer much better in the Pinpoint Config.
On my Cary 306 Pro CD player though neither position beats just using the Cary Tall machined spikes.
Since I now have an extra pair of the Migs I would like to try them on my Powercell. Not sure how I am going to lift it up high enough to clear the Galileos plugged into the back of the Powercell.
My choices sem to remove the tall sharp spikes I am presently using and place either myrtle blocks under a Mig or some ceramic tiles under the Mig's.
Any other suggestions would be helpful.
If this proves to be too much trouble < iw ill use them under my Oppo 83 SE.
Barcardi, I am sure the Migs would improve your sub, but I think you would get more bang for your bucks on your stereo components.
Also,to the question on plugging a Galileo into your Powecell. Running the dual leads to the Powercell and Powercord is a must. Think about it everything plugged into the Powercell will benifit by the use of that Galileo.
SR great products. service and helpful Audiogon members.