Well, there is some truth to what Feil says. I was asked to be a reviewer for Dagogo and with many misgivings I agreed and thought had an agreement that I could review what I wanted. It did not work out. I then joined SoundStage and took two reviews that I had done originally for Dagogo, the LSA1 Statement speakers and the Synergistic Research cables with me.
All was going well until on the Tidal thread here, when asked about various amps I said that the Gryphons were not what I consider "world class." This caused much discomfort for SoundStage and I was asked to leave. My remaining reviews were published and in many respects I was relieved to review no longer. A reviewer cannot really be free to say what his or her experiences are in postings.
Feil knows that I do this often, and he has often taken exception to this, but not with any basis, just jibes that he thinks are cute. I have learned to ignore him. As to his warning, I think that I only say what are merely my experiences. I trust few reviewers and think you too should be critical.