Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 11 responses by mribob

I just saw the post about the SR BLACK fuse as well in the Cable Co's show review of lists for $119, and knghifi is correct in his is supposed to blo away the improvements from the RED. I am glad I waited, now I can simply order three black fuses and wait to be amazed!

Amazing how their R and D keeps amping up the noise.

I had a pleasant listening session at Frank's place over the weekend. I have heard his rig before installing the SR fuses, and I must concur with Frank's assessment of their improved impact on his sound. His sound stage and depth was fabulous before, now it fills the room with sonic bliss of open highs, deep bass, and clear but not etched resolution. Overall, a nice improvement...perhaps I would not claim it to be a component level upgrade, but it does make for significant improvement to make it worth the cost of time and money to utilize. I placed my order for 3 SR blacks for my DAC and pre afterwards. More on my experience once they are installed and broken in.
Thanks Frank for your outstanding hospitality, and introducing me to your amazing music collection.
I too have drank the Kool-aide, and installed a SR Black fuse into my Playback Design PDS-5, and two into my Veloce battery powered line stage. I have around 36 hours on them, and I can verify everything that Charles and Frank have digital computer music now sounds more analog like; I'm hearing better details, subtle cues I never appreciated before, a fuller sonic density, and an overall much more pleasing sound quality. I have not yet tried switching directions, I am hoping I got it right the first time, but will perform that experiment after they are more fully broken in. Just another satisfied customer, grateful to follow on the backs of these pioneers who have alerted me to a relatively inexpensive tweak, that has exceeded my expectations in better sonic results..
there are 2 rail fuse holders in the main unit, not associated with the AC power charger unit, so yes, they are used in the DC circuits, and are 4amp solo blow . Started with PD Dac first, but now even better with battery powered line stage installed. Vytas, their designer thought it might help, so I did, and it does.
Frank,after  they are broken in would appreciate your help/ears to help me judge best orientation of fuse direction in my rig. Perhaps in two weeks more? Thanks..
Hi, this is Bob
i power with Hegel H-30 in stereo configure, use battery powered tubed Veloce Lithio series preamp with solid Ssd drive laptop running JRiver 24 thru Playback design PD-5. Cables are a mix of EnKlein, Klee, hi fidelity, and Tara. I also use the SR grounding block to great advantage. The venture model is Excellence III I  think, prior version with Heil ribbon tweeter, 1 mid, 3 bass units.
with Frank's helps on fuses, I am really enjoying going thru my library, and part of Frank's. I am at a happy place.
I wrote to Hegel, and see their response:
The fuse should should be 15 Amps. Specification should be 250V T15A

Vennlig hilsen/Best regards
Hegel Music Systems AS

Magnus Holhjem

The closest Black SR fuse is a 16amp, which is what I ordered from Alfred in Apple Valley. The fuse holder is right near the power cord, and its a 'push in and rotate' round holder, then you pry it open, and use the direction of SR rear to front that others described. It made a nice improvement for me of the 4 uses I obtained was on the DAC. I love my Hegel; provides great low end slam and control and nuanced details and sound stage on the highs...
I recommend you try the tweak, I'm comfortable that you will also appreciate the improvement.
Let me know if you have any other questions.

I ordered the 16 amp small size T slow blow. I realize that all the terms are confusing, which is why I shared the response direct from Hegel for clarity.
yo u should order and try, I'm glad I did.
To Wolf Garcia:
I have no significant dog in this hunt, but do wish to speak up and defend Frank (Oregonpapa). I had the luck of meeting with Frank, at his home, and hearing his fabulous rig. He was polite, well informed, has a huge eclectic music collection, and was a gracious host. I learned from his background what he did, and how he got involved in our hobby. He most certainly is not a shrill for a vendor, and has no vendor relationships. He purchased his fuse from the same dealer I purchased mine, in Apple Valley, CA. Frank is a man of modest means, but generous  of spirit, and  with his time and knowledge. I am glad to have met him, and simply wish to refute some of the personal attacks, which have no place in these forums, due to my direct interactions and personal observations. I have learned much about 40's and 50's music, swing, and great classical works, as well as jazz. At the end of the day, its about enjoying music, and how to best get there, and meeting friends, and being exposed to new ideas. I'm glad Frank has included some great suggestions on music on this long post. In my rig, the two SR black fuses made a nice, but modest improvement in allowing me to hear a bit deeper in the music.
Thanks, are indeed a gentleman....always glad to hear your thoughts and opinions
Had a most wonderful listening session with Frank last week, its been a while since I had this pleasure, waiting for Frank to feel better.
Glad to report he's well on his way, just a bit thin, but his ears are just fine.
Well, it was like a completely different system, huge deep soundstage, much more realistic low end and bass, filled the room, much better 'meat on bones' with even better sonic density. Before I thought his rig was good, not with whatever tweaks and changes hie has made, it really is quite amazing. His hospitality is always warm and welcoming, and played some great Scottish female vocals, blew me away.
Frank remained true to his ND/NC agreement, and wouldn't share with me what has made these huge improvements in his room....but whatever he has, I'll be buying when released. Looking forward to try to translate what he has accomplished into my own room. While Frank completes his recovery, he has the pleasure of enjoying the music in an awesome integrated room/component/tweak environment. I left very impressed. Congrats again to pushing the envelope, and being willing to share the journey.