Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
wolf-garcia   07-27-16

"I DID test the SR black fuses in my system and wrote about it here [posted on 7-13], finding that they delivered nothing to the sound of my system. This test was a monumental waste of time"

The effects of the Synergistic Research black fuses may be non-existent, subtle or profound. It simple depends on what system factors you have addressed, and to what degree your system is performing. Genuine audiophiles who have addressed issues of power conditioning, high quality cabling, tuned acoustics and isolation of mechanical resonance of components have no difficulties in hearing the benefits.


Of course there may be other factors holding back your system and obscuring the benefits. If this is the case professional help is advised.If professional assistance do not cure the problem, I am afraid you have to accept the fact that you are simply inept.

One more thing. You stated "they [the SR black fuses] delivered nothing to the sound of my system"  This statement is incorrect. The fuses delivered information which your system was unable to convey, BECAUSE IT IS NOT A HIGH RESOLUTION SYSTEM.

There is, however, one statement you made with which I am in complete agreement.  "THIS WAS A MONUMENTAL WASTE OF TIME"

Nyame 7-28-2016 7:09am EDT
As I, Atmasphere, and others have pointed out in a number of past threads, the ability of a system to resolve hardware differences does not necessarily go hand in hand with its musical resolution or its sonic quality.

Just to cite a few examples, a preamplifier having high output impedance will be more revealing of interconnect cable differences than one having low output impedance, everything else being equal, due mainly to its increased sensitivity to cable capacitance. A speaker having low impedance and/or highly capacitive phase angles will be more revealing of amplifier differences than a speaker having more benign impedance characteristics, everything else being equal, because (simply put) it is a more challenging load. Components having **well designed** balanced interfaces will be less revealing of interconnect cable differences than components that are connected single-ended, everything else being equal, for several reasons. None of those differences in sensitivity to hardware necessarily have anything to do with the musical resolution or sonic quality of the components or the system.

Countless other comparable examples could be cited.

I would not be so quick to allege that the reason someone having many decades of experience as a professional sound engineer and a musician did not hear an improvement after trying these fuses in five different components (amp, preamp, dac, phono stage, subwoofers) over a period of weeks is that his system is inadequate.

Oregonpapa 7-27-2016 9:03pm EDT
How did you [Wolfie] try the fuse if you didn’t order it?
That was explained in Wolfie’s post of 7-13-2016.

-- Al

Almarg wrote,

"I would not be so quick to allege that the reason someone having many decades of experience as a professional sound engineer and a musician did not hear an improvement after trying these fuses in five different components (amp, preamp, dac, phono stage, subwoofers) over a period of weeks is that his system is inadequate."

The problem with the statement that a person with decades of experience (as a professional) in the audio industry is that it is a Strawman Argument, specifically an appeal to authority. It’s a logical fallacy to assume someone with a lot of experience - even if it’s in the relevant field - is correct in any argument, even in the field in which he claims to be expert. Things are not that simple. If I had a dime for every person who said, I have been an audiophile for 30 years and I know such and such" I’d be a rich man.

As I’ve stated on previous occasions there are actually man perfectly valid reasons why someone, even a so called expert, might not get the results he was looking for with some audiophile tweaks. Not to mention with some cables, CD players, speakers, or room treatments. Not too mention Intelligent Chips, Mpingo discs, Tice Clocks, you know, things that really get skeptics’ juices flowing. System resolution issues is certainly one of the reasons why someone might not get good results, but it’s definitely not the only reason. In addition to all of that I kind of doubt Wolfman would actually be forthcoming if he had had good results with the Black Fuses, you know, given the amount of energy he’s got invested in being Troll #1.

The last major improvement I made with SR products was to place ten SR High Frequency Transducers (HFT's) around the room as per the directions. There's no electronic signal going through these little devises, and yet the increase in image solidity, clarity, bass control and overall musicality was not subtle at all. I, and my audiophile friends, heard the overall pleasing effects immediately. The improvement gained is far in excess of the price of the product.

What does Wolfie - our central planner and resident member of the Flexible Principles Bureau have to say about this product?  Here, have a look:

"However, SR's business plan is fairly brilliant as charging big bucks for placebo-esque magic products that clearly cost a fraction of their retail cost to manufacture (maybe the drill press used to hollow out the tiny aluminum Electronic Circuit Transducers which should be re-labeled "Aluminum Profit Producers" was expensive, although the Chinese factory that makes 'em likely has plenty of tools around) seems to be working out well…as long as "seekers" have Oregonpapa and others to "tell them how to spend their money" (!) on incredibly vague ethically questionable products, SR will continue on."

So, Wolfie ... tell us when it was that you ordered the HFT's and tried them in your system to gauge the results for yourself in your own listening room in order to compile your ridiculous assessment. Surely you wouldn't just make things up without donning your white lab coat and indulging in scientific A/B blind testing. Or would you?

Also interesting is that you continually rail against profits and prices. That speaks volumes in itself.

Feelin' the Bern, are ya Wolfie? :-)


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