"Yes you better move up in amperage as they seem to have a tendency to blow if matching the current fuse in place."
One should try to not change the fuse type nor current handling value (upward).
This is violation of code and design, and will cost you the validity of house insurance, contents, etc. It can open a world of hurt in the legal end of things if something should go awry.
I can say that I understand and believe in the idea and reality of ’audio’ fuses’. Importantly, though... fuses are legally and otherwise, in their certification and use --- wholly sacrosanct.
I’m willing to go as far ...or in most cases, much further down the road for better sound, than the folks reading this. However, I do not screw around with non certified, non tested fusing, nor fuse type or values.
Power rail fuse on a power amp? maybe. But only if the AC power fuse in the amp’s AC inlet....is proper in type and value as to the original specification.
As long as the audio fuses in question are definitely of a known proper certification, and correct amperage and type...then it’s a go, when used for the AC power on the given gear.