Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
knghifi ... 

Congrats on ordering the Mel Torme' CD. You're in for a treat.

On Dean Martin.  Yes! ... Yes! ... and Yes!

The very best of Dean's LP's is titled "Dream With Dean." We discovered this album years ago. The original LP is amazing. Dean is right there before you ...and you're looking down his throat. Its recently been reissued on 45 RPM 180 gram vinyl. I haven't heard the reissue, but my friends who have say its even better than the original. I also have a CD that's a compilation of Dean's recordings and it contains cuts from the Dream With Dean album.

Here's the CD that has the cuts from Dream With Dean:

Here's the original Dream With Dean album:

Here's the 45 RPM reissue of Dream With Dean:

And finally, here's another "must have" of Mel Torme' CD.

All of these recordings will tickle your eardrums. On the Dean Martin compilation, the only good sounding cuts are the ones from Dream With Dean. The other cuts are just so-so ... but the CD is worth the price of admission. 

After you submerse yourself in Dean Martin and Mel Torme', there's more to come. Like ... Tony Martin and Jack Jones.  God, I love this! I really do. :-)

"It’s just as disappointing to see the unaware spend hard-earned money on such an upgrade. This type of thing happens across all industries. It’s the nature of capitalism and consumerism. Fortunately, we are in the golden age of the Internet, where people can freely publish opinions about products without any trouble."

Yeah, right. People are free to publish opinions about products such as the unenlightened screed in quotes above. Why is it always everybody else who’s unaware?  😄
Geoffkait it seems you agree with the theory-
if you can't attack the argument simply attack the person- naturally..
Well stated Oregonpapa. When it was stated that fuses COULD NOT improve the sound of a component because all it does is pass AC through it, I asked "Why not?". Doesn't a power cord just pass AC through it? While I'm not sure how the SR fuses work I can think of a few possible reasons they do. Better EFI/RFI shielding? Better conductivity? Better connection with the fuse holder? Some contend that the fuse couldn't possibly matter because it's such a short, thin wire that only passes current and disintegrates when too much current passes through it. I contend, as does Paul McGowen of PS Audio, that's exactly why it's so important as there so much room for improvement. What's so hard in believing that improvement can be made at the point in the AC pathway where its at its weakest? Stock fuses couldn't be made any cheaper than they are. They weren't designed with audio in mind but only to allow so much current through them.  Wouldn't improving the AC pathways weakest point provide the greatest possibility in improvement to the pathway? Just asking as I certainly don't proclaim to have the answers. And yes, I can certainly believe not everyone experiences the same results many of us have, but I don't see how it's NOT POSSIBLE that the SR black fuses could improve our sound. 


Fuses should not degrade, they should blow when required. 
Saying that, then a fuse that degrades is crap as well.
Yes they will degrade as they operate at or near their threshold,  just like incandescent light globs do, did you not see what happens to the same fuse over time of constant "switch on surges" It carbonises to a point where it is no longer pliable, sags, stiffens and blows

These boutique fuses seem to address the failings of cheap fuses by a more robust 
In many cases they are blowing for no reason at all, how is that more reliable?

Cheers George