Synthesis LM260 Speakers?

We're in the process of moving and getting rid of things we no longer use. We realized we still have a set of our old speakers, supposedly Synthesis LM260 model. We're not sure because we tried to do some research and have not been able to find any images that look remotely like the speakers we have. Help?

conrad johnson made those. I was a cj dealer and sold that
pair and IIRC, there were one or two more models.

I just checked my literature library and found a brochure on
them. They also had a LM210 and a LM310 in addition to the
LM260. The LM210 had a review in Stereophile.
I owned the two-way bookshelf version and found them damn fine speakers
(used with Velodyne ULD-12 subwoof).
I auditioned the jumbo model but thought its treble too laid back for my taste.
First rate build quality!
Wish I had them back!
Great for the feedback, guys; thanks!

We're not sure if we want to hold onto these or sell them. What would you say would be an appropriate sale price?
At the time (early 90's) the large model was selling around $4000.
Today, in good condition, I'd be happy with $1000.