System advice

I’m still a newbie to audio world, but a couple years ago I got Monitor Audio Platinum PL II speakers with XLO Signature cables (good old stuff), Arcam Alpha 9 amp & preamp and Naim CD5 XS with FlatCap XS. Sound was great for me - juicy, involving, deep. But then I was talked into having the whole stack from Naim. I replaced Arcam amp/preamp with Naim NAC XS 152 & Naim NAP 155 XS. I was told it will be an upgrade from Arcam and that having full stack from Naim will provide great synergy.

The problem is.. I almost stopped listening to the music right after this change. There’s something unpleasant in the sound. There’s a lot of details, good resolution but... I don’t feel amused anymore.

Recently I understood that there is no synergy between speakers/cables and amp/preamp. It’s like some sweetness, warm is missing in this sound..

But now I have no idea in what direction I should go. Any advice for a noobie?



One of my most accomplished audio buddies is a fan of NAIM amps and preamp.  He pairs them with Focal Electra 906, and prefers the NAIM over some very good Cary tube gear. 

The most important thing is that you like the sound.  It's hard to say where the issue is for you, but it's always very personal, and of course interactive with the rest of a given system.  It might help if you could give some hints as to whether it's too bright, or too dull, lacking bass, booming bass, etc.  Have you tried adjusting the speaker placement a bit to increase or decrease bass reinforcement, and toe in?  I fine tuned my system with things like cables, power supply upgrades, placement, etc., and other stuff that's supposed to be barely audible, but yet it's made the difference between being good and spectacular with pretty much the same gear. 

One of my most accomplished audio buddies is a fan of NAIM amps and preamp.  He pairs them with Focal Electra 906, and prefers the NAIM over some very good Cary tube gear. 

p.s.: I failed to mentioned that his preference for NAIM products is very specific to certain model numbers, but I don't know which ones he prefers. 

Chalk this up to an expensive lesson learned — never just blindly follow a salesperson’s (or anyone’s) advice because your ears are the only thing that matters.  A good dealer should let you borrow equipment for a day or two to let you hear it in your system, and in this case that would’ve told you everything you needed to know.  Time to start over and get rid of the Naim amp/pre so you can start enjoying music again.  Obviously Arcam is a good place to start, but their sound could’ve changed over time so again don’t just buy blindly.  Luxman and Parasound were mentioned and would also be worth exploring, and I’ll add Ayre as another good candidate.  I’d try to get an amp with at least 100Wpc to make sure you have enough headroom for your speakers.  Best of luck. 

FOCAL speakers and NAIM electronics are the same company now .

No small wonder that your buddy suggested the pairing out of one or more of possible reasons:

-possible EZPZ convenience? Dunno

- possible limited audio brand experience …dunno again…,

, or just plain considerable personal bias simply cuz he likes them! but in total who cares now ?

But to carve out 50% of that bespoke synergy match he enjoys, and arbitrarily stapling it to your speakers and then selling it to you blindly was a gross disservice to you.


Resulting fix = a partial or full system replacement for you that is not insignificant to your wallet drain.

Yes, FOCAL with NAIM make a decent enough pairing IMO,….. but regardless, that duo combo never has and still does not stir my drink FWIW.This hobby is very personal journey with a “like” or “dislike” outcome that no post in this forum can predict for you,