TADs SS Hibachi Amps

Any reviews on these amps by Bizzy Bee?
I don't know about these amps? Something seems odd...

There's really not much room for a charcoal tray at the bottom and the grate doesn't look like its ceramic coated... I figure your steaks will stick!
This thread was not meant to be a joke. This company puts out some excellent equipment at very reasonable prices. I have his amp and pre. I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to try this set of monoblocks.
You're right it's not a joke.

But if you order the Hibachi amp today you get a set of Ginsu speaker cables free.
lol Paul at Tad just has a sense of humor is all. I have his tad 60 amp and his 2.1 setup to boot. Good, tank built and muuuusical as all get out.