Taking audio too seriously?

Is it just me or are some people too serious about this hobby? I can appreciate great sound and getting everything you can out of your system. At what point does it get too extreme? A jar of rocks, a magic clock, a $2500 power cord plugged into standard house wiring, speaker cables sitting on styrofoam cups? Should the magnets on my speakers face due north to align the flux lines with the Earth's magnetic field? Is anyone brave enough to share any other crazy tweaks they've tried?

It could just be ignorance on my part and I am not trying to rock the boat, but it just seems a little obsessive.
I am actually a music lover first. But that does not mean I have thousands of records and my money is spent there.

For classical music, given the choice between a fair sounding great performance and a great sounding fair performance; I always go with the great performance. I know many audiophiles that only go for the great sound, performance is secondary.

In other words...some listen to sound; others listen to music. I want that fair sounding great performance to sound as good as possible, therefore, the great system.

If I can find a great sounding great performance, then I am in heaven...
Taking audio too seriously? Hardly. Pardon me while I rearrange my rocks and adjust my clocks for the next album. Gotta go.......
Hard to imagine Drubin how or why someone with your attitude towards music would ever get interested in audio to begin with.
>>Rocks and clocks are serious?<<

Doubtfully; but the seller is laughing all the way to the bank to make a serious deposit.