Taking Suggestions for New Speaker Cables

Have a desire to replace/upgrade from current MIT CV2 Terminator 2S speaker cables. I have a mix of tube and solid state equipment - CODA 10.5r SS amplifier and Audio Note L3 (M3) tube preamp coupled with Totem Sttaf speakers. I have the Manley Chinook tube phono stage paired with Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable and Ortofon 2M Black cartridge. I'm looking at Siltech 330L entry-level cables, Nordost Heimdall, Kimber Kable Monocle X, and Cardas Audio. WireWorld also has some nice cables for consideration. Let me know what you think. Ideally, I want to keep this purchase under $1000. Used cables are totally fine assuming I can obtain banana plugs. The Totems require spades with 3/8" width in order to work - hard to find these custom size spades.
Westcoman, I think you will notice much more of an improvement by upgrading your speakers than the cables to them unless they are in a very small room. I like the Staffs but spending $1000 on cables to a $1500 pair of speakers seems extreme. I like Acoustic Zen speaker cables, They can often be found used or new discounted.
A perennial recommendation on another website is the Clear Day line of pure silver speaker cables at very attractive prices. I bought their "Double Shotgun" variety and have been extremely pleased. Dealing with Paul Laudati of Clear Day is a joy and the long moneyback period makes it an easy choice, at least to try. Mine replaced Morrow Audio SP-3sp;eaker cables and I liked them a lot (though not as much as the Clear Days), replacing them only because I needed longer ones.
I have to agree with Mcgal, spending up to a thousand dollars on speakers that are in the price category of the Totems is not money well allocated. In my experience, there are fewer significant differences among well designed speaker cables than about any other item in your audio chain. I'd save my money and buy better speakers, your amplification is of fine quality and the speaker upgrade will potentially reward you much more than new speaker cables. I'd also take all advice about speaker cables with large grains of salt, what works for another system may be irrelevant in your system. One of the cables being touted by another member in this thread was so breathtakingly mediocre in a previous system I owned I would have gotten as good a value throwing money down a hole. Luckily, they were easily resold. If you do end up buying cables, buy a well known and respected cable that you can try for yourself and resell for little if any loss if it doesn't work out.
I disagree with some of the above. No reason not to give the Totems the best cable they can sound right with. That does not have anything to do with the price though. Just what mates succesfully. How about "The Cable Company"? You can audition cables and apply the charges to your final purchase. Good way to get the best value for your money. If I was buying sight unseen (sound unheard?)I would go straight to Grover Hufman's website for his handmade cables.