Hello Audiogon, this is my first post.
Reading this thread I have noticed a few other MGA clients and wanted to add my name to the list of proud MGA speaker owners. I am working on my full tunable system and each step is another revelation. There are a few characterizations about MG on this thread that border on insane and makes one wonder why these false statements would ever be made. kosst saying there is a beaming at 6KHz with the Rev speakers which is absolutely made up trash talking about something he has no idea about. My speakers happen to give the smoothest reproduction I have ever heard. Also the absurdity that Michael is not technical. I wonder who kosst thinks Mr. Green is. Kosst, are you aware of MG's work before he came to home audio or that continues to the present? It doesn't sound like you know much about Michael's work as an engineer.
My take on this thread is that there was a real engineer on this forum and some of you did everything in your power to chase him away. Michael was encouraging members here to do their homework before speaking about topics that effect other listeners decisions. Some of you appeared to get upset because Michael is a straight shooter and doesn't waste time or allow his time to be wasted. I always thought that was a virtue, but not here.
@GK I like the way you and Mr. Green interact here vs the Stereophile debates