I have not checked my favorite thread in a day or two and there is jf47t back. And again, portraying Michael Green as an everyday sadist. For Heaven's sake, stop it. It is really ridiculous. Just stop right there. Talk about music, CDs, soundstage, weather, enjoyment in life, anything, but stop trying to defend Michael Green. It is insulting to even read such incompetent attempts, or maybe defamation of him is your real intent. Stop it, it is painful.
As far as hearing goes, it is not a skill. Hearing is a sense that most of the people are born with.
For the last time, results of my tuning/tweaking experiment are relevant, real, and are the only relevant ones I know. Get used to it. Whoever does anything similar can hold her/his results as true and relevant.
The reason answers are not coming may be a bit more complex than just there being no known answers. This is not the place to chat about them, though. Your questions are perfectly reasonable, but your expectations are not. This thread has always been interesting for any reason, but sound reproduction. Nothing to be learned about that.
Are there people on Tuneland?