Talon Raven C or Khorus?

Wondering if anyone has experience with both the original Khorus and Raven C speakers and can comment on differences/preferences. No dealers in my area, so comparing them myself is proving very difficult.
BTW - My comments in the above response come from actual experience with the older & newer Raven designs, because I had the unique opportunity when I traded my Raven 2002's for the Raven C's to compare them TOGETHER at the same time in my room with my equipment before shipping the 02's back.

The C's came directly from the factory brand-new, with Bybee filters installed and all the latest updates. BUT - they had ZERO hours on them, so the comparison 'should' have heavily favored my 1-year old 02's. I expected it to be a close fight, but it only took 10 minutes of A/B'ing and shaking my head to come to the obvious conclusion --> There was NO comparison - the C's were devastatingly better in ALL areas, especially treble extension AND smoothness. The ceramic tweeter used in the C models is just superb.

Another big difference between early and late models is the design of the rear-firing port that is common to both Khorus & Raven. The older ones utilized a small, round aluminum insert. For the newer models, Talon designed a much larger slot cut-out with NO insert. The round port on my 02's would make noticeable rattling and chuffing noises when there were long, weighty bass notes. It drove me crazy, and definitely helped justify the cost to upgrade to the C's.

The new, larger slot-loaded port has more area to disperse the fast-moving escaping air, so it doesn't chuff. And since there is no metal insert used anymore, there is no way for it to rattle.

Just some more info to consider, but YMMV......
With the ceramic tweeter, the matching of associated equipment is critical IMO. I tried a few different amps before I found a few that really made my Raven C speakers really sing. They are extremely fast, dynamic, with extended bass and detail. The bybee filters also took clarity up a notch as well as the large cone spikes.

I have heard from a few people that the Raven Cs are so close to the current Khorus that the price difference is not worth the extra money. But I have not heard them side by side.
After Bhouser fine post, I feel it was Raven 2002's I heard as I do not recall seeing the rectagular rear-port?
Again, Bigkidz' description of the characteristics of the Raven C's is spot-on.

I have navigated through 4 different amps myself with these speakers, 3 solid-state and 1 tube design. I have learned alot about the different sonic characteristics and how particular speakers can really dictate what you need an amp to do.

You also have to remember that Talon is a very young company, but has gone through 4 major revisions of the Khorus alone in only so many years. These were wholesale design changes that made dramatic improvements each time.

Having dealt with Talon through two versions of the same model, my recommendation would be to go with the latest version of a Raven vs. one of the earliest versions of the Khorus. If you do a good job of system matching, I predict that you will not be disappointed.
Really appreciate the thoughts and advice. Let me add a little detail: I currently run Bel Canto Evo2 amps as monoblocks...any thoughts on compatibility with Raven Cs? Secondly, I'm very excited about Talon's reputation for outstanding bass extension and slam (coming from slightly anaemic Silverline Sonatas). Would I give up a lot in the bass department by going with single driver Raven C vs. dual driver Khorus?
Thanks again.