This guy is totally just kenjit right?
Tang Band 2145 in action
Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, + with a simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.
As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.
Truly a magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well the TB2145 has your order.
Hardly need to add a tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, + with a simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.
As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.
Truly a magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well the TB2145 has your order.